Home Remedies for MRSA( Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus)

One of the most contagious and hardy Staphylococcus infections, MRSA is very dangerous, but there are also numerous home remedies for this infection, including the use of tea tree oil, garlic, olive leaf extract, turmeric, eucalyptus oil, aloe vera, manuka honey, oregano oil and pascalite, among others.


One of the most important parts of our body is the immune system, and the constant battle it wages against dangerous pathogens and toxins that can make us ill. The risk of infection is everywhere, and MRSA remains one of the most dangerous infections a person can get. Its full name is Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus, and the reason it receives so much attention is because of how resistant it is to most forms of antibiotics. Since it was first discovered in the 1960s, MRSA has become resistant to methicillin, amoxicillin, penicillin and other common antibiotics that are used to eliminate bacterial infections. As medicines evolve, so too does the infection, making it difficult to treat and eliminate. Believe it or not, the MRSA bacterium is carried by an estimated 2% of the population, although few of these people manifest symptoms.Staph bacteria is very common, and in most cases, relatively harmless, but it can become much more dangerous when it enters the body through a wound or infected area, or when the immune system is already compromised. This particular MRSA strain is a danger to many people, because it can be easily spread through physical contact. Simply touching someone else with it on their skin can be enough for contamination. In hospitals and long-term care centers, where contact with the ill or infirm is quite common, MRSA infections can be devastating and deadly, as many of the people who become infected are already battling another condition, or are advanced in age. Unfortunately, MRSA is being seen more and more often in healthy individuals, typically in the form of mild skin infections or irritation, but with the difficulty of treating this bacterium with antibiotics, this still presents a real problem. Fortunately, there are a number of home remedies and preventative measures for MRSA that can keep you and your family safe!

Home Remedies for MRSA

Tea Tree Oil:
When it comes to natural antibacterial remedies, few things are as powerful as tea tree oil. It can quickly help to eliminate any infections, particularly those that are located on the skin, which is the form that many MRSA infections take. You do not need to use much tea tree oil, as it is highly concentrated, and it should not be directly consumed. Therapeutic-grade tea tree oil should be used for this purpose, as it has proven to perform better than many traditional antibiotics on this resistant infection.

Garlic: This useful natural remedy is widely available, inexpensive, and one of the most effective topical remedies for infections within the body, including those that affect the skin. To use garlic for the treatment of MRSA, you can mash up fresh cloves after soaking them in water overnight. Apply the garlic mash to the affected area on the skin where you have observed the symptoms of MRSA (raised, inflamed, white or pink irritation, often accompanied with pain).

Manuka Honey:
A very powerful antibacterial product that is widely available for natural healing uses is manuka honey. This is slightly different than the honey used in most cooking applications. This is an even more powerful antibacterial substance that can be applied directly to the MRSA infection. When a MRSA strain is resistant to a certain type of antibiotics, this remedy is very popular and effective.

Olive Leaf Extract:
There are a number of applications of olive leaf extract in the natural healing world, but for the treatment of MRSA and other resistant bacterial strains, there is a particular substance found in olive leaf, oleuropein, than is very good for detoxifying the body and strengthening the immune system against such pathogens. You can apply olive leaf extract topically to the infection site, or you can use it in various oral remedies and cooking applications to boost oleuropein content in the body.

Oregano Oil: This unassuming herbal oil has a number of impressive antibacterial properties that makes it a great remedy for MRSA infections. It also has antiviral, anti-fungal, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, which means it can help to relieve a number of symptoms of MRSA, while also eliminating the underlying infections. More specifically, oregano oil has been shown to battle a number of difficult bacterial types, including flesh-eating bacteria, E. Coli and Salmonella.

Turmeric: The powerful immune-boosting properties of turmeric are well known, and can mainly be attributed to the effects of curcumin, the active ingredient found in turmeric. You can create a powerful paste from turmeric powder mixed with a small amount of water. Apply this paste to the infected area to stop it from spreading, and you will quickly see a reduction in the severity of the MRSA sore.

Aloe Vera: For generations, aloe vera has been used as an antibiotic remedy, particularly those on the skin that are commonly antibiotic-resistant. Aloe vera can be applied topically and left on, allowing it to soak into the skin and do its work. It can also speed healing of the infection and reduce redness, while also relieving associated pain.

Eucalyptus: Like many other antibacterial essential oils, eucalyptus oil has powerful antibacterial properties that make it an excellent remedy for skin-based infections. Obviously, eucalyptus in other forms (leaves) can be consumed in order to promote a healthy immune system from within.

This type of bentonite clay has long been known as a traditional remedy for skin infections. The unique combination of minerals and other beneficial organic compounds help to draw out infections and eliminate the signs of these afflictions very quickly. Simply prepare a clay pack of pascalite and apply it to the area that has been infected by MRSA.

Final Word of Warning: While these home remedies have been proven through anecdotal evidence to be very effective in the prevention and treatment of MRSA, this can still be a very serious and life-threatening infection, and should not be taken lightly. If the MRSA infection spreads to other parts of the body, it can quickly become a potentially fatal complication. Any observation of MRSA symptoms should be reported to and examined by a doctor, and proper precautions to avoid infecting others should be taken immediately.
